
Informational topic about bullying and workplace harassment and talking about the short term and long term affects from the abusive behavior.



Understand that bullying has been around for a long time, but people make excuses and when laws are created, they leave large gray areas in the law so they can manipulate from having to document incidences of bullying. In Illinois there have been five laws on bullying put in place, 2011-214 four bills were signed into law and pushed by state representative Kelly Cassidy, then in 2023 another was pushed into law by the same representative again, none of the laws had teeth to force the school system to document incidences of bullying. The problem was no accountability was placed into any of the bills and school worked their way around it and by doing so children ended up dead, because no one would listen or doing anything about them being bullied. The parents would report it, but no documentation would be given and the incident swept under the rug as if it never happened. That was the story with my son and that is why I wrote mine and my son’s story, “Jordan’s Voice The Life Of An Underdog,” is a memoir honoring my son and what he and myself went through in life due to bullying and workplace harassment.

Practice Areas

Being a first-choice employer within our sectors. Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines.



For better school social skills programs from Pre-K through twelfth grade to better prepare our children with confrontations with older kids and when they graduate and go into the real world.



Organize parent groups to keep the schools in check to make sure they are documenting every incidents of bullying and not over looking even one.



Parents should want stronger laws in place to protect their children from their abusers, by mandating schools to follow the guide lines or lose accreditation and lose state and federal money, which will be taken from extracurricular activities like football, basketball and so on.

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Bullying and workplace harassment

Bullying starts when your young and then develops into workplace harassment as an adult, both have severe effect on a person no matter what other people may say, your life is never the same. I lost my son due to bullying and I had to deal with workplace harassment for twenty-six of my twenty-nine years with the Illinois Department of Corrections. I was lucky, I knew of about eight co-workers from when I first started who committed suicide from taking work home and not being able to separate the two causing conflicts at home and dealing with work.

24/7 Support

Yeah, there is always a suicide hotline for you to call, but once you claim that your suicidal, there goes your job if it involves carrying a gun.


What needs to be done is hold Supervisors accountable for the harassment, not just low level supervisors, but the top ones who are all political and sweep things under the rug as well.

If you believe in changes then stand up against people who write you letters and do nothing.

Talk to your Senators, Congressman, Representatives and state Senators and push for changes that are strong and solid, so your children can go to school and focus on learning and not about dodging the bullies everyday.

Don’t wait till it’s to late stand up against Bullying and workplace harassment





Highly recommended to read

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Bradley L. Lewis

Author and father

Why take a stand against bullying and workplace harassment?

Because your physical and mental health matters the same as your life, once you reach the point of suicide there is no return.

You can reach out to your leaders.

I hate to sat it, but Black Lives Matters was a joke and the real thing that matters is our children’s lives no matter what color you are. If you focus on only one group of people you are just as bad as the people you point your finger at.

Changes in learning needs to be done.

What people fail to realize is that people are not born being bullies, and if they are there is about a 1% due to behavior disorders and other mental health disorders they may not be able to cope with. Teaching your children early at the age of 18 months- 3 years of age is where you start teaching your children to behave. Then at 3 years of age place them in some programs that teaches a child to focus and discipline, such as gymnastics, martial arts.

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